For those who had the misfortune to not be able to witness the freak-a-licious John Malkovich on Saturday Night Live this past weekend, he kicked off the holiday show with a riveting reading of "'Twas the Night Before Christmas", complete with roaring fire beside him, quasi-attentive children at his feet, and a belly full of bile just waiting to be spit into everyone's hot cocoa. Check it out:
Not to be outdone, the Baroness feels compelled to also jump into the spirit of the holidays with a riveting rendition of her own. It's infinitely better and far more spirited-er than some strange, semi-crossed-eyed certifiable whackadoodle (and I didn't spit in anyone's bevvies. Honest). Without further ado, may I present to you:
Not to be outdone, the Baroness feels compelled to also jump into the spirit of the holidays with a riveting rendition of her own. It's infinitely better and far more spirited-er than some strange, semi-crossed-eyed certifiable whackadoodle (and I didn't spit in anyone's bevvies. Honest). Without further ado, may I present to you:
Deck the Halls
(from the poem by John Cieriog Hughes)
Deck the halls with boughs of holly
(from the poem by John Cieriog Hughes)
Deck the halls with boughs of holly
'Tis the season to be jolly
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Don we now our gay apparel
Don we now our gay apparel
Troll the ancient Yuletide carol
See the blazing Yule before us
Strike the harp and join the chorus
Follow me in merry measure
While I tell of Yuletide treasure

Now that's what I call holiday spirit! Suck it, Malkovich!!
Oh, and btw Johnny? I stole all of your butter sticks.
Say hi to Pai Natal for me.
Oh, and btw Johnny? I stole all of your butter sticks.
Say hi to Pai Natal for me.
Oh. My. God. You are not right, my friend! But that is just how I love you! Hilarious in prime Baroness form!
Countess iPost: See? It just takes some odd little man on tv to throw down the gauntlet, and I can rise to the occasion. Mamma love me the weird. ;)
Never a dull moment chez the Baroness is there?
Saw it! It was great! Be careful Pai Natal doesn't get your toes!
Peace - D
and say no more
Countess MPM: Au contraire.
Usually, it's nothing but.
Countess D: I am so stocked up on butter - there will be no toe feasting here.
And really, does he ever leave Portugal?
Countess GT: ---
(that's me saying no more)
(oops! sh*t!)
Malkovich? Malkovich?
Glad to see I am not the only one who adore Mr. Brenner. Sigh. I never thought a bald head could be so beautiful.
Wonderful! I'm full of the spirits now.
Count Cormac: Brown? Brown?
Countess NATUI: Interesting. I, myself, have been in love with bald men from time to time.
Count of Tiki: Friends don't let friends comment drunk.
Log off now & get some sleep, hon.
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