I know people.
More importantly, I know people who know people.
Who can get me in touch with their people's people.
After much backing and forthing, and synchronizing of about 100 schedules, I was able to meet with my Friday guest.
I'm not gonna lie - I've heard the name bandied around from time to time.
And, as hockey is pretty much the dedicated tv channel in the vonB house - the name swirls around here constantly, like a figure skater at the Swarowski Crystal factory.
Since everyone was making this out to be HUGE, I decided I had better do some research.
And what is the best place to find stuff out? Yuh-huh.
Here is what I learned:
Forget Mom and apple pie.
Dismiss your tenets of cookies and milk.
Here, in the True North Strong and Free, it's hockey and donuts, 24/7/365.
Armed with what I needed to know, I ventured out to meet with Canada's Darling of the Ice (and the Iced Capppuccino) - Sidney Crosby:
Wow...when they called him "Syd The Kid," they really meant "The Kid" part!
Excuse me, I meant "S-i-d."
Count Cormac: I have been told that once one 'makes it' to the NHL, that one can trade in their teeth for a personal esthetician. Looks like our boy took them up on their offer.
He sure has matured as a player. From the Hart to his very own Norelco in three short years.
OMG. This is PRICELESS! Classic! Now, I admit, as a big fan of Ovetchkin, I'm not a huge Sid the Kid fan, but I will allow as how he gives a pretty good interview.
I love it! Being a So CA gal who moved to Texas, I'm not up on the whole hockey thing. Our local team (in CA) is the Ducks. Can you see why I can't get excited about the game? Now donuts are very high on my list.
Count Graves: Norelco? Dude - I have more hair on one armpit than I think that fetus Crosby does on his entire body. (I have been told...)
Countess of Minestrone: If I can swa-y-y-y you back over Canada way - even just a little - my job is done.
Countess GJ: Forget Sidney Crosby - EVERYONE can get excited about that Tim Horton guy!
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