So, recently the Baroness asked for some suggestions, as I needed to have about 21 days of inspiration.
I received 4. If I take a moment to speed-dial my accountant Sir Pinky McNubbin (I don't deal with numbers), he says I need 14.5 more ideas (this could explain I always have problems at the ATM).
Delurk, y'all, & help me out!
It could be a topic - it could be a word (I'm thinking "toast").
All I ask is no sex, politics or religion.
Best leave those to the experts.
Which is clearly not me.
Finding refuge in macarons
2 days ago
Could you possibly chat us up about your favorite things where you live?
I am quite familiar with Victoria, but not even coherent about your neck of the woods. i.e. I've heard Granville Island is awesome... I've heard it's dreadful.
What's the scoop my dear? From those in the know?
I would love to see you write a poem for a "Thoughtful Thursday" about your family, just as long as it isn't a limerick!
How do you feel about royalty? :0)
Countess AG: I would love to talk about my own back yard, which has many fascinating little nooks and crannies...
Mysterious Nobleperson: But I LOVE limericks! Especially those including that dude from Nantucket.
I will attempt.
Countess Tracey: Real royalty or me-royalty? Two very different kettles of tiaras.
Brian over at The Cheek of God just posted a fun little activity that you just might like. If not, no harm done. He has a great blog!
As for anything else I'd like to know? How about your summer reading list? Do you have one?
Peace - D
Which of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World would you have liked to have seen in it's heyday and why?
Which 5 people--dead or alive--would you invite to a dinner party, and why?
Wow. I like this one so much, I may do it myself, too!
Do tell whatever comes to mind .... Barbra Peapod
This should help. I'll be tagging you when I post this morning. Give it about an hour!
Five titles of the self help books that you would write to help us all!
Momma: I've done one of The Cheek of God things (mosaic) -it was great fun! Thanks for that.
Countess NATUI: So I ask for suggestions, and now I've got to go to Wiki the 7 wonders? You're making me work, hon. But I am intrigued...
Countess MPM: Always a toughie - I'll have to mull a little.
Countess Babs: Ooh. This is the "s" word I am trying to introduce into Baroness vernacular. Right now, I'm kind of quasi-spontaneous.
Let me just plan this out a little.
Countess AG: Crazy 8's? How frickin perfect. I am SO there.
Count David: I am loving this category - I am going to have some fun with this!
Tell us five favorite foods and drinks...
Your Majesty: Good one! I'll be getting to my list in early July - thanks for the suggestion!
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