As you may or may not be aware, The Baroness loves, loves, LOVES all things beautiful.
I love to see beautiful things every day, from the moment I wake up to the moment I lay down my tiara-clad head. In a not-always-so-beautiful world, there are days when beauty appears to be elusive.
Yet one must seek it out. Always.
There are also days when the seeking should be effortless; beauty is there in abundance, piled up by the roadside, waiting to be discovered. But either the stress of the moment or the pain in our journeys has shaded our eyes, making us neglect all the amazement right there in our paths. How do we dissolve our worries away? How do we honor our pain and begin to heal ourselves? How do we get that wretched blindfold off? Enter Cathy Netter Bregman.
"Who is this mystery woman, Baroness?", you may ask. Sit down in this comfy chair and I will tell you.
Cathy Netter Bregman is an "Interior Designer" extraordinaire. With her calming, soothing voice, she encourages us, through her guided meditations, to also sit down and get comfy. To imagine we are stationed by a beautiful flowing mountain stream on the most perfect of autumn days - sunny, warm yet crisp weather - that image in and of itself is enough to begin to lower my blood pressure exponentially!
But better yet, she suggests that we attach a worry, a stress, a problem to each red, gold and orange leaf, and watch it fall off the tree into the stream. Then we watch it float past us - away & out of sight forever. Ahhh. I feel better just writing this.
This woman is a treasure. Let me tell you something - this is no Janey-come-lately. Her meditations have been influencing people for a very long time. She just recently decided, after much reflection, that now might be the time to begin to offer her "design" services on a larger scale. I, for one, am thrilled that she made this decision, and as a former client I sing her praises. She is amazing at what she does.
There are 2 things that have endeared her to me - One, she's very humble. She has little idea of the magnitude of effect that her healing words have had, nor the sheer numbers of people she's helped. She doesn't realize that for years, her meditation tapes have passed from hand to hand to hand. She just sees the initial hand-off, not the ripple effect that follows. Sweetie.
Two, her motivation is, by and large, altruistic. Not only does she address the needs of the adults around her (and we are a very needy bunch, indeed) , she's also come up with meditations for the little dukes and duchesses out there. Because she's aware - while many others aren't - that developing minds need a little TLC too, and that being a kid isn't easy. Are you beginning to understand how special this lady is?
Daughter, wife, mother, nurturer, interior designer, balm to the souls of the masses. Whew!! Huge responsibility, yet one she manages with grace and eloquence.
To learn more about Cathy's work, e-mail her at With her assistance, be prepared to once again be dazzled by the beauty waiting for you at the side of the road. Maybe put on some dark glasses. And sunscreen.
Boardwalk this way
1 day ago
I am going to explore her site in depth. Thanks so much for this lead.
Countess MPM: You, my darling, are very welcome. I hope you're feeling better!
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