Oh, how she loved her some Miss Fern, and Wilbur, the smartest pig on earth.
E.B. White, having already smitten her with 'Stuart Little' (a mouse who drives - how frickin' adorable is THAT??), now painted such a bucolic life with a girl and her pet pig, that the Baroness fully intended to spend her adult years away from the lure of the bright city lights, and knee-deep in mud and critter doo-doo.
The best-laid plans, they say - blah dee blah dee blah. Not too long after my burgeoning love affair with Wilbur, I spent a few icy cold winter days on my uncle's farm.
His pig farm.
As we sat around the dinner table on our first night, I -in my usual cloying precociousness- started in on how I had just read 'Charlotte's Web', and how lucky my uncle must have been to have a whole barnful of adorable pigs.
"So, you like pigs?", he queried.
"LOVE them!", I exuded.
"Have you ever even seen a pig before?" he furthered.
"Just Arnold Ziffel on Green Acres", I sheepishly admitted.
Smugly, he offered, "Why don't you come down to the barn with me after dinner, and I'll show you some real pigs?"
I could barely finish my meal, and promptly burned off every calorie I ingested by the antsy-pantsies.
Off we tromped, into the freezing, starry night. Me and my uncle. If Norman Rockwell was there, he would have immediately painted a picture.
We got to the door, my heart pounding.
I could hear the squealing. Rather than it being cute and sweet, it sounded rather distressful. I started to feel a little anxious.
With a flourish, my uncle threw open the door.
As we stood, side by side, in sub-zero temperatures, something hit me.
Well, actually two things hit me.
One was this wave of heat.
Accompanied in short order by a tsunami of stink.
I thought I might barf.
As much out of disappointment as by sensory overload.
"You still like pigs?", my uncle guffawed and chortled.
Damn his and his folksy prairie wisdom.
Flash forward eleventy-seven years to present day Minnesota.
Where we are visiting the Countess of Yik Yak and her hubby, the Count of Mancave.
On our extremely packed schedule of events is a trip to one Fleet Farm.
I am immediately intrigued.
For to me, the name "Fleet" is usually associated with some sort of enema.
To have a entire enema farm?
This I have to see.
In his always thoughtful manner, the Baron - knowing my past farm fiasco - offers to do some recon work with the Count.
When he comes back with this picture:
The lobster and the mutant fish - with a crown? Or the brand name - 'King Kooker'?
It's almost too much. (almost).
I know that, after all these years, it's back to barnyard for the Baroness.
For the next few Fridays, stop on by, pull up a tree stump to sit on, and let me show you my reawakening, thanks to the fine folks at Fleet Farm!
I could so visualize you standing there with your Uncle and it made me laugh out loud....I can't wait till they invite time travel so I can go back to that little girl and tell her how much she will love fleet farm oh yeah and bacon too....
LOL. All I could think about was Fleet enemas, too. Wonder what that means....
This should be fun!
For the record, where I live, we have a wonderful barbecue joint named "Ziffel's". Yum!
(And how bizarre that my Word Verification for this comment is "coment" . . .
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